Monday, June 2, 2014

My Year of Darwin 6/2/2014: Leaving Galapagos

 Charles Darwin
"The survey of the Galapagos Archipelago being concluded, we steered toward Tahiti and commenced our long passage of 3200 miles. 

That's it. Adieu South America. Darwin never sees the Amazon! Never visits the Tepuis of northern South America. Nothing of Central America, the Gulf of Mexico. So much missed but so much juice for the squeeze.

They do return to South America but only the east coast and not as extensively as the first round. Should Darwin have turned back now, what would he have come up with? How far would his thoughts on evolution gone. No hints of natural selection yet but he is strongly suggesting that organisms are capable of evolving and part of it is related to what they do (their ecology) and their isolation. 

Yay for normal fonts.  

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