Saturday, February 7, 2015


1. Working on the introductory paper for the special issue - reviewers have suggested a "total rewrite of some sections"

2. I have to make small edits to my paper in the Special Issue

3. I have six species evaluations to do for the state - past due now. I offered to give population and habitat evaluations for a few grassland species that I've been studying 

4. I'm chair of the Academic Planning Committee that oversees new programs at Wilkes. We have our biggest meeting since I've been a member or chair (6 years worth). We have proposals: a neurotraining facility (if you're feeling overworked and stressed - hmmm), a neuroscience major, two new nursing programs, and a 4 + 1 masters program in bioengineering. Each proposal consists of a narrative and a budget. Yuck. That's Tuesday. 

5. I have to edit a paper that was recently accepted in Restoration Ecology. We use C isotopes to show an entire ecosystem is produced from planting grasses at a once toxic site that was completely unvegetated at one point. This needs to be done by Monday or Tuesday

6. Regular professor stuff: teaching two upper levels to homeworks, quizzes, and lectures to prepare. 

But I did take a mental health break to do some of this:

Enough of that - back to work and jazz

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