Monday, January 6, 2014


 Charles Darwin

6 Jan 2014: "The fact that we worked at chemistry somehow got known at school, and it was an unprecedented fact, I was nicknamed 'Gas'." Darwin autobiography

Although I've read his autobiography before I don't remember the fact that he enjoyed chemistry. My experience with Wilkes biology majors is that they find chemistry "OK" or they have a general dislike for the subject. I wonder how undergrads would feel about chemistry if they were handed chemicals and a manual of cool stuff to make. Of course, you might end up with this. NPR recently ran a story on the lack of enthusiasm for biology courses by primary schoolers. I suspect the growing disconnect with nature has spilled over to education and teachers that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with living creatures no longer bring in creatures or even roadkill that would fascinate children. We must of course, balance experience with content but it seems we can removed experiential learning from the classroom. It seems a positive feedback loop. Those that never experience living organisms in the classroom may be intimidated in the woods and this would be passed on to children and future teachers. Please support outdoor learning and experiential learning whenever possible. 

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