"I had a net astern the vessel, which caught great numbers of curious animals, & fully occupy my time in my cabin" -Charles Darwin, letter to father, 1 March 1832
An an ornithologist, I appreciate sampling marine environments. To me, it is fishing - just that the organisms are not necessarily fish. I take students to Wallops Island Marine Station for an Ecology field trip (going this year in April) and they love seeing what ends up in the net. These nets typically sample plankton (small organisms that flow with the currents) but also sample nekton (larger organisms that move independently of the current), such as fish and shrimp.
Just discovered the Darwin Correspondence Project, which promises to be a great resource for letters and quotes.

This is an image from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science showing a net that was probably similar to the one used by Charles Darwin aboard the HMS Beagle. (goo.gl/KEXqD8)
"I had a net astern the vessel, which caught great numbers of curious animals, & fully occupy my time in my cabin" -Charles Darwin, letter to father, 1 March 1832
An an ornithologist, I appreciate sampling marine environments. To me, it is fishing - just that the organisms are not necessarily fish. I take students to Wallops Island Marine Station for an Ecology field trip (going this year in April) and they love seeing what ends up in the net. These nets typically sample plankton (small organisms that flow with the currents) but also sample nekton (larger organisms that move independently of the current), such as fish and shrimp.
This is an image from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science showing a net that was probably similar to the one used by Charles Darwin aboard the HMS Beagle. (goo.gl/KEXqD8) |
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