Monday, April 21, 2014

My Year of Darwin 4/21/2014: more camping love

 Charles Darwin
" When it was dark, we made a fire beneath a little arbour of bamboos, fried our charqui (or dried slips of beef), took our mate, and were quite comfortable. There is an inexpressible charm in thus living in the open air. The evening was calm and still;-the shrill noise of the mountain bizcacha, and the faint cry of a goatsucker, wer occasionally to be heard." Charles Darwin, Voyage of the Beagle

Darwin is camping out in the mountains of Chile. I think this is the third quote I give of Darwin camping under the stars. I get it. I miss it. Need to get my ass in gear and get more papers out so I can get grants and get traveling. I want to be in a hammock in the forest and so tired I don't worry about the scorpions crawling down the rope or jaguars stalking me. 

Back to school tomorrow, though I don't have any classes so writing writing writing. Dehydrated and had a class of wine so I'm feeling pretty good right now. 

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