Sunday, April 2, 2023

Diary of Thomas Stratford, coal miner, great grandfather

Diary of Thomas Morgan Stratford

Born 13 January 1884 in Bridgend, Glamorganshire, Wales, Somerset, England
Died 6 September 1948 in Avoca, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA

Wife was Elizabeth Wilce, who was born August 6, 1888 in Simpson, Pennsylvania and died January 22, 1980 in Hazleton, Pennsylvania. 

Thomas Morgan and Elizabeth are buried in Maplewood Cemetery, Carbondale, Pennsylvania. The headstones are located around the southern 1/3 mark. I was there when my great grandmother was buried though all I remember it that it was a cold and cloudy day.  

I was given this diary by my uncle Tom Stratford, who passed away a few ago. Rather that having the diary sit somewhere in  drawer I thought I was share it as I read through it. I will also add pictures as they are discovered. Dates are a bit of an issue as there are many entries that only have the month and day and some with no date. 

I read through the diary and it is not a daily record. Rather, my great grandfather used to the diary over several years to record different events. I will use this space to put events in chronological order so this is a working document and I will annotate accordingly. 

January 1, [1924]

Entries in chronological order

June 14, 1924 
"Rec'd check for 30.00 interest on Gen. Mot." 

August 21, 1924 
"Born to Mr. and Mrs. Kirt Birch (sp?) a baby girl at Emergency Hospital Carbondale" 

September 28, 1924 
"Mrs Brain had baby christened at Carbondale. Lizzie and I stood for her. 

December 15, 1924 
"Rec'd check for $31.25 interest on Gen Mot

September 1, 1925 
"Started coal strike"

October 1, 1924 
"Loaned H.H. Kudleck twenty dollars $20.00 on this date.  
Feb. Rec'd check for $20.00 from H.H. Kudleck

(Updated 3 April 2023)


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