Saturday, February 1, 2014

Working on a fracking paper

Working on a report for the state that I hope to turn into paper for an eco-toxicological journal. We examined bird blood and feathers for signatures of organic and heavy metal contamination and if these signatures were correlated with the density of natural gas wells in a watershed. 

If the statistics show no effect, the natural gas companies will have a sigh of relief and I'll get attacked by the environmentalists (because they "know" there's contamination). If I do find something, the environmentalists will rejoice (ironic) and I'll be attacked by the industry (because they "know" there's not contamination). 

This should be fun. Our funding by the way, came from the state of Pennsylvania, from a portion of tipping fees at landfills. If you don't want this type of research done, recycle more. 

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