Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My Year of Darwin 3/18/2014: just going to drink some blood and whiskey

 Charles Darwin

"ONe day an account came that a small party forming one of the postas on the line to Buenos Ayres had been found all murdered. The next day three hundred men arrived from the Colorado, under the command of Commandant Miranda. A large portion of these men were Indians (mansos, or tame), belonging to the tribe of the Cacique Bernantio. They passed the night here; and it was impossible to conceive anything more wild and savage than the science of their bivouac. Some drank till they were intoxicated; others swallowed the steaming blood of the cattle slaughtered for their suppers, and then, being sick from drunkenness, they case it up again, and were besmeared with filth and gore."  Charles Darwin, Voyage of the Beagle


I have nothing to add. Interesting story about life on the trail. Not calling Darwin fearless but experiences like these must make getting rejection letters trivial. 

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